
Meta Action Type

Executes an action only if a condition holds, and optionally executes another action when it doesn't hold.

Type ID: origins:if_else


Depending on the condition type, a different action type is expected:

Action Type Condition Type
Bi-entity Action Type Bi-entity Condition Type
Entity Action Type Entity Condition Type
Block Action Type Block Condition Type
Item Action Type Item Condition Type


Field Type Default Description
condition Condition Type A condition based on the type of action.
if_action Action Type The action which is executed when the condition evaluates to true.
else_action Action Type optional If present, this action will be executed when the condition evaluates to false.


"entity_action": {
    "type": "origins:if_else",
    "condition": {
        "type": "origins:fall_flying"
    "if_action": {
        "type": "origins:set_on_fire",
        "duration": 5
    "else_action": {
        "type": "origins:heal",
        "amount": 6

This example will set the entity on fire for 5 seconds if they are "fall flying". Otherwise, it will restore 3 hearts of health to the entity instead.