Global Power Set JSON Format

This is the format of a JSON file describing a global power set. Global power sets are sets of powers that are granted to entities globally with the apoli:global power source. It can also be filtered so that the set of powers will only be granted to certain entities of certain type or entities included in a certain entity type tag.

Global Power Set JSON files need to be placed inside the data/<namespace>/global_powers folder of a datapack.


Field Type Default Description
entity_types Entity Type Tag-like optional If specified, the specified powers will only be granted to entities that fulfill this tag-like specifier.
powers Array of Identifiers The ID(s) of the power(s) to grant to entities globally.
order Integer 0 Determines the order at which the global power set is applied.


    "powers": [

This example will grant the origins:damage_from_snowball power to all entities.

    "entity_types": [
    "powers": [

This example will apply the origins:arcane_skin and origins:like_water powers to Creepers and entities that are included in the #minecraft:skeletons entity type tag.