Random Teleport

Entity Action Type

Teleports the entity to a random location within the specified area.

Type ID: origins:random_teleport


The actual width and height of the available teleportation area is double the respective provided value, +1 for the block the player stands on in the very center.


Field Type Default Description
area_width Float 8.0 Determines the width of the area.
area_height Float 8.0 Determines the height of the area.
heightmap String optional If specified, the location will be anchored to the of the specified surface of the world.
attempts Integer optional Determines how many attempts the entity should be teleported to a random location. Defaults to area_width * 2 + area_height * 2.
landing_block_condition Block Condition Type optional If specified, the entity will only be teleported on top of a block that fulfills this block condition. Otherwise, the entity will only be teleported on blocks that blocks movement/have solid collision.
landing_condition Entity Condition Type optional If specified, the entity will only be teleported to a location if the entity fulfills this entity condition. Otherwise, the entity will only be teleported to a location that is empty (e.g: no blocks and fluids.)
landing_offset Vector {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0} Determines the offset of the location of where the entity will be teleported. If the X and Z offsets are specified, the X and Z coordinates of the location will be divided (floored) before applying the offset.
loaded_chunks_only Boolean true Determines whether the entity should only be teleported in loaded chunks. It is recommended to keep this set to true for performance reasons.
success_action Entity Action Type optional If specified, this entity action will be executed on the entity after it's been successfully teleported to a random location.
fail_action Entity Action Type optional If specified, this entity action will be executed on the entity upon failing to be teleported on a random location.


"entity_action": {
    "type": "origins:random_teleport",
    "area_width": 8,
    "area_height": 8,
    "success_action": {
        "type": "origins:spawn_particles",
        "particle": "minecraft:poof",
        "count": 8
    "fail_action": {
        "type": "origins:execute_command",
        "command": "title @s actionbar {\"text\": \"Cannot teleport!\", \"color\": \"red\"}"

This example will teleport the entity to a random location within a 17x17x17 area. If the entity has been successfully teleported to a random location, the entity will emit a poof particle, otherwise, a message will pop-up that indicates the entity cannot be teleported.

"entity_action": {
    "type": "origins:random_teleport",
    "area_width": 4,
    "area_height": 8,
    "landing_block_condition": {
        "type": "origins:in_tag",
        "tag": "minecraft:wool"
    "landing_offset": {
        "x": 0.5,
        "z": 0.5

This example will teleport the entity on top of the center of a random block included in the minecraft:wools block tag within a 9x17x9 area.