Action on Set

Entity Action Type

Executes an action on entities stored within the power that uses the Entity Set (Power Type).

Type ID: origins:action_on_set


In the context of this entity action type, the actor will be the entity that invoked the entity action while the target will be the entities within the power.


The action will be executed on the entities stored within the power regardless of their dimension.


Field Type Default Description
set Identifier The ID of the power.
bientity_action Bi-entity Action Type The bi-entity action to execute on both or either the actor and target.
bientity_condition Bi-entity Condition Type optional If specified, only execute the bi-entity action if this bi-entity condition is fulfilled by both or either the actor and target.
limit Integer 0 Determines the max amount of times the entity action type should iterate and execute the bi-entity action on the entities stored within the power. If the value is less than or equal to 0, then there will be no limit.
reverse Boolean false Determines whether to reverse the order of the entities within the power when processing.


"entity_action": {
    "type": "origins:action_on_set",
    "set": "example:special_pets",
    "bientity_action": {
        "type": "origins:target_action",
        "action": {
            "type": "origins:heal",
            "amount": 4

This example will restore 2 hearts to entities that were added to the example:special_pets (data/example/powers/special_pets.json) power using the Add to Set (Bi-entity Action Type).