Add to Set

Bi-entity Action Type

Add the target entity to the power that uses the Entity Set (Power Type) of the actor entity.

Type ID: origins:add_to_set


Field Type Default Description
set Identifier The ID of the power to add the target entity into.
time_limit Integer optional If specified, this will determine how long the target entity will be stored in the specified power in ticks.


"bientity_action": {
    "type": "origins:add_to_set",
    "set": "example:entities_to_exclude"

This example will add the target entity to the example:entities_to_exclude (data/example/powers/entities_to_exclude.json) power permanently.

"bientity_action": {
    "type": "origins:add_to_set",
    "set": "example:make_em_glow",
    "time_limit": 200

This example will add the target entity to the example:make_em_glow (data/example/powers/make_em_glow.json) power temporarily for 10 seconds, after which the target entity will be removed.