
Power Type

Applies the specified tooltip(s) to an item that is only visible to the entity that has the power.

Type ID: origins:tooltip


Currently, this power type is not able to "resolve" certain JSON text components. See Minecraft Wiki: Raw JSON text format (Component resolution) for more information.


Field Type Default Description
item_condition Item Condition Type optional If specified, the specified tooltip(s) will only apply to items that fulfills this condition.
text Text Component optional If specified, apply this string as a tooltip.
texts Array of Text Components optional If specified, apply these strings as a tooltip.
order Integer 0 Determines the placement order of the tooltip(s) of the power.


    "type": "origins:tooltip",
    "item_condition": {
        "type": "origins:ingredient",
        "ingredient": {
            "item": "minecraft:egg"
    "text": "Hmm, egg."

This example will apply a "Hmm, egg." tooltip to an Egg item.

    "type": "origins:tooltip",
    "item_condition": {
        "type": "origins:ingredient",
        "ingredient": {
            "item": "minecraft:cake"
    "text": {
        "text": "Happy birthday!",
        "color": "yellow"

This example will apply a yellow-colored "Happy birthday!" tooltip to a Cake item.