
Power Type

Provides a state that can be toggled with the specified Key.

Type ID: origins:toggle


This power type provides a state that can be toggled with the Toggle (Entity Action Type) and check the state of with the Power Active (Entity Condition Type).


Field Type Default Description
active_by_default Boolean true Determines whether the state of this power type should be ON by default.
key Key {"key": ""} Which active key this power should respond to.
retain_state Boolean true Determines whether the state of this power type should retain if the condition (if there is any) is no longer fulfilled.


    "type": "origins:toggle",
    "active_by_default": false,
    "key": {
        "key": "key.use"

This example will provide a switch that is not active by default, and can be toggled with the key.use keybind.

    "type": "origins:toggle",
    "active_by_default": true,
    "retain_state": true,
    "key": {
        "key": "key.attack"
    "condition": {
        "type": "origins:sneaking"

This example will provide a switch that is active by default and can be toggled via sneaking and pressing the key.attack keybind. This example will also retain its state if the entity is no longer sneaking.