Prevent Game Event

Power Type

Prevents specified game event(s) from being emitted by the entity that has the power.

Type ID: origins:prevent_game_event


See Minecraft Wiki: Sculk Sensor (Vibration amplitudes) for a list of vanilla game events you can check for.


Field Type Default Description
event Identifier optional If specified, the game event with this namespace and ID will be prevent from being emitted by the entity.
events Array of Identifiers optional If specified, the game events with these namespace and IDs will be prevent from being emitted by the entity.
tag Identifier optional If specified, the game events inside game event tag will be prevented from being emitted by the entity.
entity_action Entity Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed on the entity upon preventing game events.


    "type": "origins:prevent_game_event",
    "event": "minecraft:hit_ground",
    "entity_action": {
        "type": "origins:execute_command",
        "command": "say donk"

This example will prevent the entity that has the power to emit a minecraft:hit_ground game event, which is usually emitted by landing on the ground upon falling.