Prevent Elytra Flight

Power Type

Prevents the entity that has the power from flying with either an Elytra item or a power that uses the Elytra Flight (Power Type).

Type ID: origins:prevent_elytra_flight


Field Type Default Description
entity_action Entity Action Type optional If specified, this action will be executed upon the entity trying to fly an Elytra/power that uses the Elytra Flight (Power Type).


    "type": "origins:prevent_elytra_flight",
    "entity_action": {
        "type": "origins:execute_command",
        "command": "tellraw @s {\"text\": \"You cannot glide from this height!\", \"color\": \"red\"}"
    "condition": {
        "type": "origins:in_block",
        "block_condition": {
            "type": "origins:height",
            "comparison": "<=",
            "compare_to": 64

This example will display a warning and prevent the entity that has the power from flying with an Elytra if they're at Y=64 or lower.