
Power Type

Applies an overlay to the player's screen.

Type ID: origins:overlay


Field Type Default Description
texture Identifier The namespace and ID of the texture to use as an overlay.
strength Float 1.0 If the "texture" draw mode is used, it determines the alpha (transparency) value of the texture. If the "nausea" draw mode is used, it determines the value of how the texture is stretched (1.0 = screen size). Range: 0.0 to 1.0.
red Float 1.0 Value by which the red component of the texture will be multiplied. Range: 0.0 to 1.0.
green Float 1.0 Value by which the green component of the texture will be multiplied. Range: 0.0 to 1.0.
blue Float 1.0 Value by which the blue component of the texture will be multiplied. Range: 0.0 to 1.0.
draw_mode String Determines whether to treat black as transparent or draw the texture as is ("nausea" or "texture" respectively).
draw_phase String Determines if the overlay should render below or above the HUD ("below_hud" or "above_hud" respectively).
hide_with_hud Boolean true Determines if the overlay should be hidden if the HUD elements are hidden (with F1).
visible_in_third_person Boolean false Determines if the overlay is visible in third person.


    "type": "origins:overlay",
    "texture": "minecraft:textures/block/ice.png",
    "strength": 1.0,
    "red": 1.0,
    "green": 1.0,
    "blue": 1.0,
    "draw_mode": "texture",
    "draw_phase": "below_hud",
    "hide_with_hud": false,
    "visible_in_third_person": false

This example will render an overlay with the texture of an Ice block, below the HUD and is not visible in third person.