Modify Block Render

Power Type

Modifies how a block would look like to the entity that has the power.

Type ID: origins:modify_block_render


Currently, this power type does not work properly if you have installed a mod that changes the rendering engine, such as Sodium.


This power type does not support a condition. If the condition field is present, it will be ignored.


Field Type Default Description
block_condition Block Condition Type optional If specified, only modify how the blocks that fulfill this condition would look like.
block Identifier The namespace and ID of the replacement block.


    "type": "origins:modify_block_render",
    "block_condition": {
        "type": "origins:block",
        "block": "minecraft:diamond_ore"
    "block": "minecraft:diamond_block"

This example will make Diamond Ore blocks look like Diamond Blocks.