Modify Attribute

Power Type

Modifies an attribute using Attribute Modifiers.

Type ID: origins:modify_attribute


This power type uses a different modifier system than the Attribute (Power Type) and the Conditioned Attribute (Power Type).


Refer to the Minecraft Wiki: Attribute page for a list of vanilla attributes that you can modify.


Field Type Value Description
attribute Identifier The namespace and ID of the attribute to apply the modifier(s) to.
modifier Attribute Modifier optional If specified, this modifier will be applied to the specified attribute.
modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If specified, these modifiers will be applied to the specified attribute.


    "type": "origins:modify_attribute",
    "attribute": "minecraft:generic.attack_damage",
    "modifier": {
        "operation": "set_total",
        "resource": "example:resource",
        "value": 0

This example will set the total value of the entity's minecraft:generic.attack_damage attribute using the value of the example:resource (data/example/powers/resource.json) power.