Damage Over Time

Power Type

Inflicts damage on the entity that has the power from a specified damage source within the specified interval.

Type ID: origins:damage_over_time


See Minecraft Wiki: Damage type and Minecraft Wiki: Tags (Damage types) for more information about vanilla damage types and damage type tags.


Field Type Default Description
interval Integer 20 Duration of ticks to wait between the damage.
onset_delay Integer optional How many ticks the power has to be active in order to apply the first damage. If not set, this will be equal to interval.
damage Float How much damage will be dealt each interval.
damage_easy Float optional How much damage will be dealt each interval on Easy difficulty. If not set, this will be equal to damage.
damage_source Damage Source DEPRECATED Use damage_type instead. See Damage Source (Data Type) for more details.
damage_type Identifier apoli:damage_over_time Defines the properties of the damage source that will be dealt, such as part of its death message, and whether it can bypass armor, shield, etc. (via damage type tags.)
protection_enchantment Identifier optional If set, the total amount of levels of this enchantment will be counted on the player's armor to increase the onset_delay.
protection_effectiveness Float 1.0 If protection_enchantment is set, this multiplier scales how effective it will be (1.0 = time the onset_delay is increased is the same as with Hydrophobia and Water Protection).


    "type": "origins:damage_over_time",
    "interval": 20,
    "onset_delay": 1,
    "damage": 2,
    "damage_easy": 1,
    "damage_type": "origins:hurt_by_water",
    "protection_enchantment": "origins:water_protection",
    "protection_effectiveness": 1.0,
    "condition": {
        "type": "origins:or",
        "conditions": [
                "type": "origins:fluid_height",
                "fluid": "minecraft:water",
                "comparison": ">",
                "compare_to": 0.0
                "type": "origins:in_rain"

This example will deal damage to the entity if the entity is in water.