
Power Type

Allows the entity that has the power to climb.

Type ID: origins:climbing


To have the usual climbing effect, it is recommended to check for the Collided Horizontally (Entity Condition Type) inside the condition object of the power.


Field Type Default Description
allow_holding Boolean true If true, the entity that has the power is able to hold onto blocks.
hold_condition Entity Condition Type optional If specified and allow_holding is true, the entity that has the power will be able to 'hold onto the block' (not affected by gravity) if this condition is fulfilled, otherwise, defaults to if the entity is sneaking.


    "type": "origins:climbing",
    "condition": {
        "type": "origins:in_block_anywhere",
        "block_condition": {
            "type": "origins:in_tag",
            "tag": "origins:cobwebs"
    "hold_condition": {
        "type": "origins:in_block_anywhere",
        "block_condition": {
            "type": "origins:in_tag",
            "tag": "origins:cobwebs"

This example will allow the entity to climb in cobwebs and hold onto them by sneaking.