Power Count

Item Condition Type

Checks how many powers are embedded in the item.

Type ID: origins:power_count


Field Type Default Description
slot String optional If specified, this will check how many powers are assigned to this equipment slot. Accepts one of "head", "chest", "legs", "feet", "mainhand" or "offhand".
comparison Comparison Determines how the amount of powers embedded in the item stack should be compared to the specified value.
compare_to Integer The value at which the amount of powers embedded in the item stack will be compared to.


"item_condition": {
    "type": "origins:power_count",
    "comparison": ">",
    "compare_to": 0

This example will check if the item has more than 0 powers embedded in it.

"item_condition": {
    "type": "origins:power_count",
    "slot": "mainhand",
    "comparison": "<",
    "compare_to": 10

This example will check if the item has less than 10 powers embedded in it.