
Item Condition Type

Checks whether the item matches the specified ingredient. Essentially, checking either for the item ID or whether the item is in a specified tag.

Type ID: origins:ingredient


Field Type Default Description
ingredient Ingredient The ingredient this item must match to pass the check.


"item_condition": {
    "type": "origins:ingredient",
    "ingredient": {
        "item": "minecraft:egg"

This example will check if the item is a minecraft:egg item.

"item_condition": {
    "type": "origins:ingredient",
    "ingredient": {
        "tag": "minecraft:flowers"

This example will check if the item is included in the #minecraft:flowers (data/minecraft/tags/items/flowers.json) item tag.

"item_condition": {
    "type": "origins:ingredient",
    "ingredient": [
            "tag": "minecraft:planks"
            "item": "minecraft:oak_log"

This example will check if the item is included in the #minecraft:planks (data/minecraft/tags/items/planks.json) item tag or if the item is a minecraft:oak_log item.