Riding Recursive

Entity Condition Type

Checks whether the 'actor' entity is directly riding the 'target' entity or the passenger(s) of the 'target' entity.

Type ID: origins:riding_recursive


In the context of this entity condition type, the 'actor' entity is the passenger and the entity that invoked the condition whilst the 'target' entities are the entity that is being directly ridden and the passenger(s) of the said entity.


Field Type Default Description
bientity_condition Bi-entity Condition Type optional If specified, this condition type will only evaluate to true if this condition is fulfilled by either or both the 'actor' and 'target' entities.
comparison Comparison ">=" Determines how the amount of entities currently being ridden should be compared to the specified value.
compare_to Integer 1 The value at which the amoutn of entities currently being ridden will be compared to.


"condition": {
    "type": "origins:riding_recursive",
    "comparison": ">=",
    "compare_to": 2

This example will check if the 'actor' entity is currently riding an entity directly or an entity that has one or multiple passengers, regardless of their entity type.

"condition": {
    "type": "origins:riding_recursive",
    "bientity_condition": {
        "type": "origins:target_condition",
        "condition": {
            "type": "origins:entity_type",
            "entity_type": "minecraft:strider"
    "comparison": ">=",
    "compare_to": 2

This example will check if the 'actor' entity is currently riding a Strider directly or an entity that has Striders as its passengers.