
Entity Condition Type

Checks how many passengers are currently riding the entity.

Type ID: origins:passenger


In the context of this entity condition type, the 'actor' entity/entities is/are the passenger(s) and the 'target' is the entity that invoked the condition.


Field Type Default Description
bientity_condition Bi-entity Condition Type optional If specified, only increase the amount of passengers if either or both the 'actor' entity/entities and the 'target' entity fulfills this bi-entity condition.
comparison Comparison ">=" How the amount of passengers of the entity should be compared to the specified value.
compare_to Integer 1 The value at which the amount of passengers of the entity will be compared to.


"condition": {
    "type": "origins:passenger",
    "bientity_condition": {
        "type": "origins:actor_condition",
        "condition": {
            "type": "origins:entity_type",
            "entity_type": "minecraft:player"

This example will check if the target entity is being ridden by a player (actor entity).