In Block

Entity Condition Type

Checks whether a block that fulfills the specified Block Condition Type is overlapping with the entity's feet.

Type ID: origins:in_block


Field Type Default Description
block_condition Block Condition Type The block condition type to check for on the block that is overlapping with the entity's feet.


"condition": {
    "type": "origins:in_block",
    "block_condition": {
        "type": "origins:block",
        "block": "minecraft:grass"

This example will check if Grass (foliage) is currently overlapping the entity's feet.

"condition": {
    "type": "origins:in_block",
    "block_condition": {
        "type": "origins:and",
        "conditions": [
                "type": "origins:block",
                "block": "minecraft:sand"
                "type": "origins:offset",
                "condition": {
                    "type": "origins:block",
                    "block": "minecraft:sand"
                "y": 1

This example will check if there are Sand blocks at the entity's feet and eyes, essentially checking if the entity is buried in sand.