Spawn Entity

Entity Action Type

Spawns another entity at the position of the target entity.

Type ID: origins:spawn_entity


Field Type Default Description
entity_type Identifier The namespace and ID of the entity type that will be spawned.
tag NBT optional If specified, this NBT data will be applied to the entity that will be spawned.
entity_action Entity Action Type optional If specified, the specified entity action type will be executed on the entity that will be spawned when it is spawned.
bientity_action Bi-Entity Action Type optional If specified, this bi-entity action will be executed on either or both the actor (the entity that invoked the entity action) and the target (the spawned entity).


"entity_action": {
    "type": "origins:spawn_entity",
    "entity_type": "minecraft:zombie",
    "tag": "{NoAI:1b,IsBaby:1,HandItems:[{id:\"minecraft:gold_block\",Count:1},{}]}"

This example will spawn a baby Zombie holding a Gold Block that has no AI at the position of the entity.