Modifier Operation

Data Type

A String used to specify the operation used by Attribute Modifiers.


The listed values are ordered based on the order of priority; with add_base_early being applied before the other modifiers and set_total being applied last.


Value Description
add_base_early Adds the modifier value to the base value. (NewBaseValue = BaseValue + ModifierValue)
multiply_base_additive Adds the base value multiplied by the modifier value to the current base value. (NewBaseValue = BaseValue + (BaseValue * ModifierValue))
multiply_base_multiplicative Multiplies the current base value by the modifier value. (NewBaseValue = BaseValue * (1 + ModifierValue))
add_base_late Adds the modifier value to the base value. (NewBaseValue = BaseValue + ModifierValue)
min_base Sets the bigger value between the base value and the modifier value as the new base value. (NewBaseValue = (BaseValue > ModifierValue ? BaseValue : ModifierValue))
max_base Sets the smaller value between the base value and the modifier value as the new base value. (NewBaseValue = (BaseValue < ModifierValue ? BaseValue : ModifierValue))
set_base Sets the modifier value as the new base value. (NewBaseValue = ModifierValue)
multiply_total_additive Multiplies the total value by the current total value multiplied by the modifier value. (NewTotalValue = TotalValue * (TotalValue * ModifierValue))
multiply_total_multiplicative Multiplies the total value by the modifier value + 1. (NewTotalValue = TotalValue * (1 + ModifierValue))
min_total Sets the bigger value between the total value and the modifier value as the new total value. (NewTotalValue = (TotalValue > ModifierValue ? TotalValue : ModifierValue))
max_total Sets the smaller value between the total value and the modifier value as the new total value. (NewTotalValue = (TotalValue < ModifierValue ? TotalValue : ModifierValue))
set_total Sets the modifier value as the new total value. (NewTotalValue = ModifierValue)