
Block Condition Type

Checks whether a specified amount of blocks adjacent to the block in question fulfills a specified Block Condition Type.

Type ID: origins:adjacent


Field Type Default Description
adjacent_condition Block Condition Type The block condition that needs to be fulfilled by adjacent blocks to count towards this condition.
comparison Comparison Determines how the number of adjacent blocks which fulfill the adjacent_condition block condition should be compared to the specified value.
compare_to Float The value at which the number of adjacent blocks which fulfill adjacent_condition will be compared to.


"block_condition": {
    "type": "origins:adjacent",
    "adjacent_condition": {
        "type": "origins:block",
        "block": "minecraft:iron_ore"
    "comparison": ">=",
    "compare_to": 4

This example will check if there are four or more Iron Ore blocks next to the block in question.