Spawn Entity

Block Action Type

Spawns an entity at the position of the block.

Type ID: origins:spawn_entity


Field Type Default Description
entity_type Identifier The ID of the type of entity that will be spawned.
tag NBT optional If specified, this NBT data will be applied to the entity that will be spawned.
entity_action Entity Action Type optional If specified, this entity action will be executed on the spawned entity.


"block_action": {
    "type": "origins:spawn_entity",
    "entity_type": "minecraft:vex",
    "entity_action": {
        "type": "origins:grant_power",
        "power": "origins:arcane_skin",
        "source": "*:*"

This example will summon a Vex with the power origins:arcane_skin power with the source as the ID of the example power at the position of the block.