
Block Action Type

Summons an explosion with a specific explosion power.

Type ID: origins:explode


See Minecraft Wiki: Explosion (Explosion strength) for a list of power values that are used in vanilla.


Field Type Default Description
power Float Determines the power of the explosion.
destruction_type Destruction Type "break" Determines the effect of the explosion to the terrain.
indestructible Block Condition Type optional If specified, the blocks that fulfill this condition will not be destroyed by the summoned explosion.
destructible Block Condition Type optional If specified, only the blocks that fulfill this condition will be destroyed by the summoned explosion.
create_fire Boolean false Determines if the summoned explosion should create fire.


"block_action": {
    "type": "origins:explode",
    "power": 5,
    "destruction_type": "none",
    "create_fire": false

This example will summon an explosion at the position of where the block action was invoked that would not destroy the terrain nor spread fire.

"block_action": {
    "type": "origins:explode",
    "power": 5,
    "destruction_type": "break",
    "destructible": {
        "type": "apoli:in_tag",
        "tag": "minecraft:impermeable"
    "create_fire": false

This example will summon an explosion at the position of where the block action was invoked that would only destroy blocks that are in the #minecraft:impermeable (data/minecraft/tags/blocks/impermeable.json) block tag.