Add Power (Apoli)

Item Modifier

Adds a power to an item stack that will only be applied to the player if the item is held/equipped in the specified equipment slot.


Field Type Default Description
power Identifier The namespace and ID of the power that will be added to the entity.
slot String Determines if the item should add the power to the entity if held/equipped in the specified equipment slot. Accepts head, chest, legs, feet, mainhand or offhand.
hidden Boolean false Determines if the tooltip for the power should be hidden or not.
negative Boolean false Determines if the color of the tooltip should be blue (false) or red (true).


    "function": "apoli:add_power",
    "power": "origins:arcane_skin",
    "slot": "chest",
    "negative": true

This example will add the origins:arcane_skin (data/origins/powers/arcane_skin.json) power to the entity if the entity were to wear the item that this item modifier has been applied to on their chest equipment slot.