
The /power command can be used to grant powers, revoke powers, and check if an entity has a certain power. Every power in Apoli comes from a specific source (an identifier). If a power has no sources, the entity does not have the power. If a power has at least one source, the entity does have the power. For each power, the sources are unique, meaning that a single source can not grant the same power twice.


power clear <targets>

Clear all the powers from the specified target(s).

  • <targets> being a target selector, username, or UUID
    • (e.g: @a, eggohito, 70ecd8a7-5abb-492a-a3b3-9aae099400db)

power grant <targets> <power> [<source>]

Grant a power to the specified target(s) (from a specific power source, if specified)

  • <targets> being a target selector, username, or UUID

    • (e.g: @a, eggohito, 70ecd8a7-5abb-492a-a3b3-9aae099400db)
  • <power> being the namespace and ID of a power

    • (e.g: origins:arcane_skin (data/origins/powers/arcane_skin.json))
  • [<source>] being the source of the power; optional; defaults to apoli:command

    • (e.g: example:test)

power has <targets> <power>

Check if the specified target(s) has a certain power.

  • <targets> being a target selector, username, or UUID

    • (e.g: @a, eggohito, 70ecd8a7-5abb-492a-a3b3-9aae099400db)
  • <power> being the namespace and ID of a power

    • (e.g: origins:arcane_skin (data/origins/powers/arcane_skin.json))

power list <target> [<subpower>]

List all the powers available from the specified target.

  • <target> being a target selector, username, or UUID; can only select one at a time.

    • (e.g: @a[limit = 1], @p, eggohito, 70ecd8a7-5abb-492a-a3b3-9aae099400db)
  • [<subpower>] being a boolean that determines whether the list should include sub-powers (as in powers inside of a Multiple super-power); optional; defaults to true

    • (e.g: true, false)

power remove <targets> <power>

Remove a power from the specified target.

  • <targets> being a target selector, username, or UUID

    • (e.g: @a, eggohito, 70ecd8a7-5abb-492a-a3b3-9aae099400db)
  • <power> being the namespace and ID of a power

    • (e.g: origins:arcane_skin (data/origins/powers/arcane_skin.json))

power revoke <targets> <power> [<source>]

Revoke a power from the specified target(s) (and from a specific power source, if specified.)

  • <targets> being a target selector, username, or UUID

    • (e.g: @a, eggohito, 70ecd8a7-5abb-492a-a3b3-9aae099400db)
  • <power> being the namespace and ID of a power

    • (e.g: origins:arcane_skin (data/origins/powers/arcane_skin.json))
  • [<source>] being the source of the power, defaults to apoli:command

    • (e.g: example:test)

power revokeall <targets> <source>

Revoke all the powers from the specified target(s) that are granted by the specified source.

  • <targets> being a target selector, username, or UUID

    • (e.g: @a, eggohito, 70ecd8a7-5abb-492a-a3b3-9aae099400db)
  • <source> being the source to completely revoke all powers from

    • (e.g: example:test)

power sources <target> <power>

List all the sources of a power from the specified target.

  • <target> being a target selector, username, or UUID; can only select one at a time

    • (e.g: @a[limit = 1], @p, eggohito, 70ecd8a7-5abb-492a-a3b3-9aae099400db)
  • <power> being the namespace and ID of a power

    • (e.g: origins:arcane_skin (data/origins/powers/arcane_skin.json))
power dump <power>

Prints the JSON data of the specified power to the in-game chat.

  • <power> being the namespace and ID of a power
    • (e.g: origins:arcane_skin (data/origins/powers/arcane_skin.json))