

As half-human and half-phantom beings, these creatures can switch between a Phantom and a normal form.

ID: origins:phantom


Name ID Description (In-Game) Description (Detailed)
Phantom Form origins:phantomize You can switch between human and phantom form at will, but only while you are saturated enough to sprint. Acts as a toggle for the phasing, invisibility, phantomize_overlay and hunger_over_time powers. This toggle will turn off when the your hunger goes below 6 hunger levels (3 meat shanks).
hidden origins:translucent none Your body appears slightly translucent.
Phasing origins:phasing While phantomized, you can walk through solid material, except Obsidian. While you are in Phantom form you can move through solid material (like blocks). You cannot move through Obsidian and Bedrock.
Invisibility origins:invisibility While phantomized, you are invisible. While in Phantom form you are invisible. The invisibility is the same as Vanilla invisibility.
Photoallergic origins:burn_in_daylight You begin to burn in daylight if you are not invisible. You start to burn in sunlight unless you are invisible or use fire resistance.
Fast Metabolism origins:hunger_over_time Being phantomized causes you to become hungry. You gain exhaustion faster when phantomized.
Fragile origins:fragile You have 3 less hearts of health than humans. You have 7 hearts.
hidden origins:phantomize_overlay none Displays an overlay that changes color (from green to red) depending on the player's food value.