

These natural inhabitants of the ocean are not used to being out of the water for too long.

ID: origins:merling


Name ID Description (In-Game) Description (Detailed)
Gills origins:water_breathing You can breathe underwater, but not on land. You can breathe perfectly fine underwater, but cannot breathe on land. However, everything which helps humans to breathe in water, helps you to breathe on land.
Wet Eyes origins:water_vision Your vision underwater is perfect. You can see perfectly underwater. This ability can be toggled with the Primary Active power key (default to G).
Aqua Affinity origins:aqua_affinity You may break blocks underwater as others do on land. You can break blocks underwater without problems.
Fins origins:swim_speed Your underwater speed is increased. You swim faster.
Like Water origins:like_water When underwater, you do not sink to the ground unless you want to. You will only sink in water if you have downwards velocity. Pressing space will prevent sinking.
hidden origins:aquatic none You belong to the aquatic entity group, hence you receive more damage from impaling.
hidden origins:conduit_power_on_land none Conduits affect you on land.
hidden origins:air_from_potions none Drinking water bottles or potions refills some bubbles when out of water.