
Origin. ID: origins:enderian

Born as sons and daughters of the Ender Dragon, Enderians are capable of teleporting but are vulnerable to water.


Name ID Description (In-Game) Description (Detailed)
Teleportation origins:throw_ender_pearl Whenever you want, you may throw an ender pearl which deals no damage, allowing you to teleport. Your active power (default: G) lets you trow an ender pearl which teleports you without dealing damage.
Hydrophobia origins:water_vulnerability You receive damage over time while in contact with water. You receive damage while in contact with water. The damage can be delayed with the water protection enchantment.
Scared of Gourds origins:pumpkin_hate You are afraid of pumpkins. For a good reason. You cannot eat pumpkin pie and you cannot see players wearing a pumpkin.
Slender Body origins:extra_reach You can reach blocks and entities further away. You can reach 1.5 blocks further away.
hidden origins:ender_particles none You display ender particles.
hidden origins:damage_from_potions none Drinking potions or water damages you for 2 points (1 heart).