Positioned Item Stack Slots

An Integer that specifies the position (or slot) of a positioned item stack.

Equipment Slots

Item Stack Slot /item replace entity Slot Inventory NBT Slot
40 weapon.offhand -106b
39 armor.head 103b
38 armor.chest 102b
37 armor.legs 101b
36 armor.feet 100b

Inventory Slots

Item Stack Slot /item replace entity Slot Inventory NBT Slot
35 inventory.26 35b
34 inventory.25 34b
33 inventory.24 33b
32 inventory.23 32b
31 inventory.22 31b
30 inventory.21 30b
29 inventory.20 29b
28 inventory.19 28b
27 inventory.18 27b
26 inventory.17 26b
25 inventory.16 25b
24 inventory.15 24b
23 inventory.14 23b
22 inventory.13 22b
21 inventory.12 21b
20 inventory.11 20b
19 inventory.10 19b
18 inventory.9 18b
17 inventory.8 17b
16 inventory.7 16b
15 inventory.6 15b
14 inventory.5 14b
13 inventory.4 13b
12 inventory.3 12b
11 inventory.2 11b
10 inventory.1 10b
9 inventory.0 9b

Hotbar Slots

Item Stack Slot /item replace entity Slot Inventory NBT Slot
8 hotbar.8 8b
7 hotbar.7 7b
6 hotbar.6 6b
5 hotbar.5 5b
4 hotbar.4 4b
3 hotbar.3 3b
2 hotbar.2 2b
1 hotbar.1 1b
0 hotbar.0 0b