List of vanilla damage source names

Name Description
inFire standing inside of a fire block.
lightningBolt lightning bolt that hits an entity.
onFire burning.
lava being in lava.
hotFloor standing on a magma block.
inWall standing inside a wall with the head (suffocating).
cramming standing in the same spot as many other entities.
drown drowning.
starve starvation.
cactus standing too close to a cactus.
fall fall damage.
flyIntoWall flying into a wall at high speed with an Elytra.
outOfWorld falling into the void.
generic any damage which doesn't have a specific type.
magic any generic magic damage, such as from conduits or the poison effect.
wither wither status effect.
anvil being hit by a falling anvil.
fallingBlock being hit by a falling block that's not an anvil.
dragonBreath unused in vanilla. Dragon breath actually deals magic damage.
dryout drying out (squid).
sweetBerryBush standing inside a sweet berry bush.
sting being stung by a bee.
mob generic damage dealt by mobs.
player generic damage dealt by players.
arrow being hit by an arrow.
trident being hit by a trident.
fireworks being hit by a firework explosion.
witherSkull being hit by a wither skull projectile.
thrown being hit by any projectile that was thrown.
indirectMagic any indirect magic damage, such as from thrown splash potions.
thorns hitting an enemy with armor with the Thorns enchantment.
explosion.player explosions which were caused by a player.
explosion explosions which were not caused by a player.
badRespawnPoint MCPE-28723