
Origin. ID: origins:avian

The Avian race has lost their ability to fly a long time ago. Now these peaceful creatures can be seen gliding from one place to another.


Name ID Description (In-Game) Description (Detailed)
Featherweight origins:slow_falling You fall as gently to the ground as a feather would, unless you sneak. You have permanent slow falling, unless you sneak. This is inverted while using an Elytra.
Fresh Air origins:fresh_air When sleeping, your bed needs to be at an altitude of at least 86 blocks, so you can breathe fresh air. You cannot sleep below y=86.
Tailwind origins:tailwind You are a little bit quicker on foot than others. Your normal speed is slightly increased.
Oviparous origins:lay_eggs Whenever you wake up in the morning, you will lay an egg. After successfully sleeping, an egg will be added to your inventory.
Vegetarian origins:vegetarian You can't digest any meat. You cannot eat food items defined in the tag origins:meat, unless they are also defined in the origins:ignore_diet tag.