
Origin. ID: origins:arachnid

Their climbing abilities and the ability to trap their foes in spiderweb make the Arachnid perfect hunters.


Name ID Description (In-Game) Description (Detailed)
Fragile origins:fragile You have 3 less hearts of health than humans. Maximum health is reduced by 3 hearts.
Carnivore origins:carnivore Your diet is restricted to meat, you can't eat vegetables. You can only eat food items defined in the tags origins:meat or origins:ignore_diet.
Climbing origins:climbing You are able to climb up any kind of wall, not just ladders. You can climb up any block. Toggle-able with the primary active power key (default: G).
Master of Webs origins:master_of_webs You navigate cobweb perfectly, and are able to climb in them. When you hit an enemy, they get stuck in cobweb for a while. Non-arthropods stuck in cobweb will be sensed by you. You are able to craft cobweb from string. You don't get slowed in cobweb and cobweb doesn't have a hitbox for you unless you sneak. You can also climb in cobweb if your climbing ability is toggled on. Hitting a living entity will create a temporary cobweb for 3 seconds at their position, with a cooldown of 6 seconds. All non-arthropods which are touching cobweb will glow on your screen. Combining two string in a crafting grid will produce a cobweb block.
hidden origins:arthropod none You are classified as an arthropod, meaning you receive more damage from weapons enchanted with Bane of Arthropods.