Elytra Flight Possible

Entity Condition Type

Checks if the entity can fly with either an Elytra item or a power that uses the Elytra Flight (Power Type).

Type ID: origins:elytra_flight_possible


If both check_state and check_abilities boolean fields are set to true, the entity condition type will check if the player can activate elytra flight at the very moment.


If both check_state and check_abilities boolean fields are set to false, the entity condition type will evaluate to true.


Field Type Default Description
check_state Boolean false If set to true, the entity condition type will check if pressing the key.jump keybind would activate elytra flight if the player had the ability to.
check_abilities Boolean true If set to true, the entity condition type will check whether the player has the ability to activate elytra flight. (e.g: wearing an elytra or have a power that uses the Elytra Flight (Power Type))


"condition": {
    "type": "origins:elytra_flight_possible",
    "check_state": true,
    "check_abilities": true

This example will check if the player can activate elytra flight.