Distance From Coordinates

Block Condition Type

Compares the distance of the block's current position to the specified coordinates.

Type ID: origins:distance_from_coordinates


Field Type Default Description
reference String "world_origin" The point to compare the distance to. Accepts "world_origin" or "world_spawn".
offset Vector optional If specified, determines how much the reference point should be offset.
ignore_x Boolean false Determines whether to consider the X axis to be 0.
ignore_y Boolean false Determines whether to consider the Y axis to be 0.
ignore_z Boolean false Determines whether to consider the Z axis to be 0.
shape String "cube" Determines the shape of the check. Accepts "cube", "star" or "sphere".
scale_reference_to_dimension Boolean true Determines whether to check for the reference point whilst considering the coordinate scale of the dimension.
result_on_the_wrong_dimension Boolean optional If specified, this value will override the result of the comparison if the block being tested is not in the reference's dimension.
round_to_digit Integer optional If specified, rounds the result to the closest number with the specified amount of digits after the comma. Negative numbers also work (e.g: -2 rounds to multiples of 100).
comparison Comparison Determines how the calculated distance (in blocks) should be compared to the specified value.
compare_to Float The value at which the calculated distance (in blocks) will be compared to.


"block_condition": {
    "type": "origins:distance_from_coordinates",
    "offset": {
        "x": 1024,
        "z": 512
    "ignore_y": true,
    "comparison": "<",
    "compare_to": 8

This example will check if the block is within an 8 blocks radius relative to the specified coordinates (X: 1024, Z: 512).