Starting Equipment

Power Type.

Provides the player with items when the power is chosen.

Type ID: origins:starting_equipment


Field Type Default Description
stack Positioned Item Stack optional If set, this item stack will be given to the player, optionally into the specified inventory slot.
stacks Array of Positioned Item Stacks optional If set, these item stacks will be given to the player, optionally into the specified inventory slots.
recurrent Boolean false When set to true, the starting equipment will always be given to the player after they died, otherwise only once when the power is gained.


    "type": "origins:starting_equipment",
    "stacks": [
            "item": "minecraft:compass"
            "item": "minecraft:clock"
            "item": "minecraft:map",
            "amount": 9

Players with this power will receive the "Explorer Kit" known from Origins: Classes. It contains a compass, a clock, and 9 empty maps.

    "type": "origins:starting_equipment",
    "stacks": [
            "item": "minecraft:white_stained_glass",
            "amount": 1,
            "slot": 39
            "item": "minecraft:leather_chestplate",
            "amount": 1,
            "tag": "{display: {color: 16383998}}",
            "slot": 38
            "item": "minecraft:leather_leggings",
            "amount": 1,
            "tag": "{display: {color: 16383998}}",
            "slot": 37
            "item": "minecraft:leather_boots",
            "amount": 1,
            "tag": "{display: {color: 16383998}}",
            "slot": 36
            "item": "minecraft:written_book",
            "amount": 1,
            "tag": "{display: {Name: '{\"text\": \"Example Book\", \"color\": \"light_purple\", \"italic\": false}'}, title: \"Example Book\", author: \"eggohito\", pages: ['{\"text\": \"This is page one.\"}', '{\"text\": \"This is page two, the last page.\"}']}",
            "slot": 8

This example equips the player with a White Stained Glass Block in its head armor slot, a white-colored Leather Chestplate, Leggings and Boots in its chest, legs, and feet armor slots respectively, and a Written Book with two pages in the 9th hotbar slot.