Prevent Block Selection

Power Type.

Prevents the selection (i.e. targetting) of blocks for a player. This means they are not able to mine them, and attacks, interactions, etc. will pass through the block to whatever's behind it.

Type ID: origins:prevent_block_selection


Field Type Default Description
block_condition Block Condition optional When set, only blocks which meet this condition will be unable to be selected.


    "type": "origins:prevent_block_selection",
    "block_condition": {
      "type": "origins:in_tag",
      "tag": "origins:cobwebs"
    "condition": {
      "type": "origins:sneaking",
      "inverted": true

This power will prevent the selection of cobweb (the tag contains regular cobweb as well as the temporary cobweb from the Arachnid's power), allowing to punch through them, unless they sneak.