
Power Type.

Lets the player move through solid blocks.

Type ID: origins:phasing


Field Type Default Description
blacklist Boolean false If set to true, the block_condition will define which blocks the player can NOT move through.
block_condition Block Condition optional If set, the player will only be able to move through these blocks (or not be able to move through these, depending on what blacklist is set to).
render_type String "blindness" Either "remove_blocks" or "blindness" - defines how the phasing will look when inside a block.
view_distance Float 10.0 How far the player can look through walls while phasing with the "blindness" render_type.
phase_down_condition Entity Condition optional When specified, this condition needs to be fulfilled in order for blocks below the player to become phasable. Defaults to a condition which checks for sneaking.


    "type": "origins:phasing",
    "blacklist": true,
    "render_type": "blindness",
    "view_distance": 10,
    "block_condition": {
        "type": "origins:in_tag",
        "tag": "origins:unphasable"
    "phase_down_condition": {
        "type": "origins:and",
        "conditions": [
                "type": "origins:sneaking"
                "type": "origins:on_block"

This power allows players to phase through all blocks except for those in the unphasable tag. They will also phase down while sneaking, but will make a short stop at each block so they don't take fall damage.