Modify Food

Power Type.

Modifies the food level and saturation gain when a player eats specific food items and optionally allows executing an Entity Action on the eater.

Type ID: origins:modify_food


Field Type Default Description
item_condition Item Condition optional If set, the modifiers will only apply to food items which satisfy this condition.
food_modifier Attribute Modifiers optional If set, this modifier will apply to the food amount gained by eating.
food_modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If set, these modifiers will apply to the food amount gained by eating.
saturation_modifier Attribute Modifiers optional If set, this modifier will apply to the saturation gained by eating.
saturation_modifiers Array of Attribute Modifiers optional If set, these modifiers will apply to the saturation gained by eating.
entity_action Entity Action optional If set, this action will be executed on the entity eating this item.


    "type": "origins:modify_food",
    "item_condition": {
        "type": "origins:ingredient",
        "ingredient": {
            "item": "minecraft:dried_kelp"
    "food_modifier": {
        "name": "Increased food points",
        "operation": "addition",
        "value": 3.0
    "saturation_modifier": {
        "name": "Increased saturation points",
        "operation": "addition",
        "value": 1

This power will add 1 and a half shanks of hunger, and 1 saturation point if a player eats a dried kelp.