
Power Type.

An active power which opens a 9-slot inventory which may or may not persist over deaths. Note that this power type does not accept conditions.

Type ID: origins:inventory


Field Type Default Description
name String "container.inventory" The translation key or literal text to use as the display name for the inventory.
drop_on_death Boolean false When this is set to true, the player will drop the items in the inventory on death (vanishing items will vanish!).
drop_on_death_filter Item Condition optional If this is set, only item stacks matching this condition will be dropped on death.
key Key optional Which active key this power should respond to. If none is specified, this power will use the primary active power key (by default G).


    "type": "origins:inventory",
    "drop_on_death": true,
    "drop_on_death_filter": {
        "type": "origins:food",
        "inverted": true

This power allows the player to open a 9-slot inventory of which only non-food items will drop on death.