Fire Projectile

Power Type.

An active power which fires one or more projectiles when the active power key is pressed.

Type ID: origins:fire_projectile


Field Type Default Description
entity_type Identifier The ID of the entity type that will be fired.
cooldown Integer The number of ticks the player has to wait between uses of this power.
hud_render Hud Render Specifies how and if a cooldown bar is rendered.
count Integer 1 The amount of projectiles to fire each use.
speed Float 1.5 The speed applied to the fired projectile.
divergence Float 1.0 How much each projectile fired is affected by random spread.
sound Identifier optional If set, the sound with this ID will be played when the power is used.
tag String optional NBT data of the entity.
key Key optional Which active key this power should respond to. If none is specified, this power will use the primary active power key (by default G).


    "type": "origins:fire_projectile",
    "entity_type": "minecraft:arrow",
    "cooldown": 2,
    "hud_render": {
        "should_render": false
    "tag": "{pickup:0b}",
    "key": {
        "key": "key.attack",
        "continuous": true

This power will let the player fire arrows very rapidly by holding the left mouse button. They can't be picked up.