Conditioned Attribute

Power Type.

Applies one or more attribute modifiers, which may depend on a condition (use Attribute if you are not using a condition).

Type ID: origins:conditioned_attribute


Field Type Default Description
modifier Attributed Attribute Modifier optional If specified, this modifier will be applied to its corresponding attribute.
modifiers Array of Attributed Attribute Modifiers optional If specified, these modifiers will be applied to their corresponding attributes.
tick_rate Integer 20 The frequency (in ticks) with which to check the condition. Lower values mean the condition changes are detected more quickly, but this comes at a potentially huge performance cost.


    "type": "origins:conditioned_attribute",
    "modifier": {
        "attribute": "minecraft:generic.movement_speed",
        "operation": "addition",
        "value": 0.4,
        "name": "Increased sprinting speed"
    "tick_rate": 20,
    "condition": {
        "type": "origins:sprinting"

This power will add 0.4 to the player's minecraft:generic.movement_speed attribute if the player is sprinting.