
Power Type.

Allows players to climb.

Note: Keep in mind that the climbing is performed always while this power is active. Thus, a condition which checks for a horizontal collision is required for the player to have the usual climbing effect.

Type ID: origins:climbing


Field Type Default Description
allow_holding Boolean true If true, the player is able to hold onto blocks.
hold_condition Entity Condition optional If set and allow_holding is true, players with the power who are sneaking and meet this condition are "holding onto the block", meaning they won't be affected by gravity.


    "type": "origins:climbing",
    "condition": {
        "type": "origins:in_block_anywhere",
        "block_condition": {
            "type": "origins:in_tag",
            "tag": "origins:cobwebs"
    "hold_condition": {
        "type": "origins:in_block_anywhere",
        "block_condition": {
            "type": "origins:in_tag",
            "tag": "origins:cobwebs"

This power allows players to climb in cobwebs, and also hold onto them by sneaking.