Spawn Entity

Entity Action.

Spawns another entity at the position of the target entity.

Type ID: origins:spawn_entity


Field Type Default Description
entity_type String The ID of the entity type that will be spawned.
tag String optional When set, this NBT data will be applied to the new entity when it is spawned.
entity_action Entity Action optional When set, this action will be executed on the new entity when it is spawned.


"entity_action": {
  "type": "origins:spawn_entity",
  "entity_type": "minecraft:zombie",
  "tag": "{NoAI:1b,IsBaby:1,HandItems:[{id:\"minecraft:gold_block\",Count:1},{}]}"

This action will spawn a baby zombie holding a gold block at the position, without AI (will not move or act in any way).