Spawn Effect Cloud

Entity Action.

Spawns an effect cloud (as from a lingering potion) at the position of the entity.

Type ID: origins:spawn_effect_cloud


Field Type Default Description
radius Float 3 The radius of the cloud.
radius_on_use Float -0.5 How much the radius should change when an effect is applied.
wait_time Integer 10 How many ticks to wait until the cloud takes effect.
effect Status Effect Instance optional If set, this status effect will be applied by the cloud to entities inside of it.
effects Array of Status Effect Instance optional If set, these status effects will be applied by the cloud to entities inside of it.


"entity_action": {
  "type": "origins:spawn_effect_cloud",
  "radius": 10.0,
  "wait_time": 40,
  "effect": {
    "effect": "minecraft:resistance",
    "amplifier": 3,
    "duration": 100

This action spawns a large effect cloud, which provides a Resistance IV effect, at the entity position.